Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler (Albert Einstein)


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Главная BRANCHES OF MATHEMATICS - Topical texts - Exercises

1. Find equivalents:

                                                                                                      A                                                                                        B

1. branch

a. график

2. datum (data)

b. многогранник с 6 кв. гранями

3. sample group

c. узнавать

4. bar chart

d. постоянное значение

5. entire

e. процентное соотношение

6. gain

f. данное (данные)

7. to find out

g. переменная

8. probable outcome of events

h. многогранник (-и)

9. to stand for

i. точка отсчета

10. variable 

j. заменять

11. fixed value

k. грань

12. to puzzle

l. весь, целиком

13. polyhedron (polyhedra)

m. отрасль

14. tetrahedron

n. обозначать

15. face

o. многогранник с 20 треуг. гранями

16. percentage

p. ось (-и)

17. octahedron

q. получать

18. dodecahedron

r. размышлять (задумываться)

19. icosahedron

s. диаграмма

20. graph

t. круговая схема

21. axis (axes)

u. выбранная группа

22. origin (zero point)

v. многогранник с 8 треуг. гранями

23. chart

w. вероятный исход событий

24. to substitute

x. многогранник с 12 пятиуг. гранями

25. pie charts

y. гистограмма

2. Complete the sentences:

1. Mathematics has such ranches as

2. Statistics is

3. Statistics often uses data

4. The information gained from the sample group can be very useful to

5. Algebra uses letters to stand for

6. Variables represent numbers that

7. Constants represent numbers that

8. Trigonometry deals with

9. The solid figures most easily categorized are called

10. There exist five regular polyhedra

11. With the help of graphs one can see

12. A simple graph has

13. The origin of the graph is known as

14. Charts display numerical information in a way that is easy to understand, using

15. Charts displaying information by dividing a circle into portions are named

16. Each portion of the circle in a pie chart represents

17. To present information pictograms use

3. Answer the questions:

1. What way can be the data in statistics collected?

2. What are the main aims of interviewing?

3. What is the difference between variables and constants?

4. What are most easily categorized polyhedra do scientists distinguish?

5. What relations do graphs show?

6. How are called a vertical and horizontal axis?

7. Where do these axes meet?

8. How is information in pie charts displayed?

9. What does each portion of the circle in a pie chart represent?

10. What branch of mathematics uses letters to stand for unknown amounts?

11. What branch of mathematics deals with the relationships between the sides and angles of triangles?

12. What branch of mathematics is concerned with collecting and interpreting data?

4. Translate and do the summery of the text «Exit poll» (Additional Reading).

5. Define the type of data presenting (a pie chart, a bar chart, a graph, a pictogram) in the pictures below.





6. Find equivalents:



1. to remain

a. сохраняться

2. updated

b. последователь

3. to hold

c. число в квадрате

4. valid

d. равнобедренный

5. to contribute

e. усовершенствованный

6. to explain

f. оставаться

7. right-angled

g. ценный

8. notation

h. делать ценный вклад

9. square number

i. система обозначения

10. follower

j. объяснять

7. False or true?

1. The Greek mathematician Euclid worked in Egypt, 2,300 years ago.

2. We know much about his life.

3. He is famous for writing Elements, a series of 15 books.

4. His Elements contained geometric principles and theorems that were to form the basis of mathematics for more than 2,000 years.

5. Mathematician and physicist Albert Einstein wholly supported Euclid's geometry.

6. Euclid dealt also with music and other subjects.

7. The ideas of the Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras contributed to the development of modern mathematics and Western philosophy.

8. Pythagoras wanted to explain all natural phenomena in terms of arithmetic.

9. He is best known for his formula for the proportions of the sides of an obtuse-angled triangle.

10. Many concepts and notations (such as arithmetic and geometric sequences and square numbers) fundamental to modern mathematics are based on Pythagoras's ideas.

8. Find synonyms:

simultaneously, to confirm, to know, entire, to find out, to vary, to stand for, origin, whole, probability, to differ, zero point, to represent, likelihood, computation, to display, at the same time, to support, calculus, to show.

9. Do Quizes 5, 6.



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