Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler (Albert Einstein)


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Главная NUCLEAR PHYSICS - Personalities - Exercises

1. Find equivalents:



1. breakthrough

a. обратно

2. proof

b. распространяться

3. put forward

c. исследовать

4. conductivity

d. прорыв

5. spread

e. шкала

6. scale

f. выживать

7. inversely

g. крошечный

8. revive

h. проводимость

9. tiny

i. доказательство

10. pursue

j. рентгеновы лучи

11. shadow

k. преодолевать

12. share

l. соединение

13. partnership

m. оружие

14. overcome

n. рак

15. cancer

о. тень

16. X-rays

p. отбрасывать

17. weapons

q. реализовывать

18. cast

r. сотрудничество

19. considerable

s. делить

20. bonding

t. значительный

2. False or true? 

1. French physicist Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity in uranium and X-rays.

2. His interest in photography helped Becquerel to find out the connection between radioactivity, light, and magnetism.

3. Becquerel shared the Nobel Prize for physics with Marie and her husband Pierre Curies in 1903.

4. Thomson became famous by proposing the structure of the atom.

5. Later he put forward some new theories concerning the structure of the atom.

6. He received the Nobel Prize for physics for his research into the electrical conductivity.

7. Lord Kelvin’s name is given to a unit of temperature, equivalent to 1 Celsius©, but on a scale that takes 0 to be –273 C (–459 F).

8. Kelvin calculated that the temperature known as absolute zero was the lowest possible temperature any matter could achieve.

9. Boyle stated that the pressure and volume of a gas are inversely proportional: this means that as one increases the other reduces.

10. Wilhelm Rontgen called the rays he discovered X-rays because they were invisible to human eyes.

11. Rontgen discovered that when X-rays were pointed through a living being, the bones cast shadows on a photographic plate placed behind.

12. X-rays only in great amounts can treat cancer.

13. A unit of radiation is now given a Rontgen’s name.

14. Danish chemist Niels Bohr became famous for the birth of modern nuclear physics due to creating a new way of picturing the structure of the atom.

15. His applying quantum theory to Rutherford's ideas about the structure of the atom resulted in the «Rutherford-Bohr atom.»

16. In 1916 Bohr discovered the principle used to build nuclear weapons.

17. Ernest Rutherford laid the foundation for the development of nuclear physics and modern quantum theory.

18. He realized through his theories that the negative charge of an atom is concentrated at its nucleus.

19. Pierre Curie became famous for his work on radioactivity and magnetism.

20. Together with his wife, Maria Sklodowska, they isolated two new radioactive elements, polonium and radium, and shared a Nobel Prize for physics in 1903 for their discovery of them.

21. Marie Curie was the first to use the term «radioactive» for substances that have considerable electromagnetic activity.

22. She was awarded the Nobel Prize twice: for physics and chemistry.

23. Marie Curie was looking for ways of applying radioactivity in medicine.

24. American physicist Maria Goeppert Mayer studied the existing ideas about the structure and bonding properties of an atom.

25. She shared the Nobel Prize with two other physicists foe her work on nuclear shell structures. 26. The Austrian nuclear physicist Lise Meitner is known for her discovery of the radioactive element protactinium.

27. She also tried to work out her own theories concerning splitting of an atom.

28. Meitner distanced herself from the first use of the theory – the production of an atomic bomb.       

3. Find synonyms: 

put forward, confirm, major, propose, take up, question, basic, matter, huge, identify, bond, specific, calculate, investigate, enable, count, substance, group together, achieve, certain, combine, enormous, research, determine, link, challenge, provide, approve, reach, occupy.

4. Find antonyms: 

melt, join together, modern, dangerous, increase, identical, break down, freeze, reduce, various, ancient, harmless.



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