1. Find equivalents:
A |
B |
1. attach |
a. в конечном счете |
2. contract |
b. выполнять |
3. distribution |
c. внедрять, применять |
4. carry out |
d. частота |
5. expand |
e. повышать |
6. advance |
f. расширять |
7. frequency |
g. продуктивный |
8. increase |
h. предлагать |
9. in the end |
i. научно-исследовательский |
10. apply |
j. выдвигать |
11. research |
k. распределение |
12. large-scale supply |
l. прикреплять |
13. induction coil |
m. сокращаться |
14. productive |
n. катушка индуктивности |
15. propose |
о. широкомасштабное применение |
2. False or true?
1. Galvani discovered animal electricity while making an experiment with a frog.
2. An instrument for measuring electric current is called galvanometer in his honour.
3. Volta’s theory about the origin of electricity was more correct than Galvani’s.
4. Volta studied electricity and properties of air.
5. He created the first electric battery while working in Paris, France.
6. The unit for measuring electromotive force, the volt, was named for him.
7. In 1783 he proposed that air expands at a constant temperature with increasing rate.
8. Thomas Edison was expelled from school because of some health problem.
9. He began to do science being old enough.
10. Tesla developed and applied many important ideas in the fields of electricity and radio.
11. Tesla’s coil is used in radio technology and operates at very low frequencies.
12. They carried out their work in electricity with Thomas Edison successfully.
3. Find an extra word in each line:
to work – to operate – to make
to carry – to bring – to transmit – to conduct
to produce – to make – to imagine – to create
to open – to find out – to discover
to measure – to rate – to consider
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