1. Find equivalents.
A |
B |
1. phenomena |
a. продолжать |
2. proof |
b. прикреплять |
3. be perfectly timed |
c. случайность |
4. kite |
d. выполнять |
5. unit |
e. явления |
6. realize |
f. прикладывать |
7. attach |
g. воздушный змей |
8. occurrence |
h. выдающийся |
9. lightning rod |
i. трос |
10. carry out |
j. единица |
11. put |
k. умение |
12. go on |
l. быть ко времени |
13. string |
m. громоотвод |
14. notable |
n. осознавать |
15. skill |
о. доказательство |
2. False or true?
1. The design of all electronic motors is based on the principles discovered more than 250 years ago by Michael Faraday.
2. Faraday first learnt about science from the encyclopedia.
3. They realized how to produce electricity.
4. Faraday’s discoveries laid outside the interests of his time.
5. Franklin carried out important experiments in electricity and magnetism.
6. He was also the inventor of the lightning rod and a stove that are out of use today.
7. He introduced the use of such electronic terms as «positive» and „negative“.
8. Franklin showed that lightning was the same form of energy as static electricity.
9. Andre-Marie Ampere observed and measured natural occurrences
discovered by other European scientists.
10. He dealt with finding a complete proof between electricity and magnetism.
3. Give antonyms:
outside; to lose; to obtain; direct (current); to move from; natural; to increase, different, switch on.
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