1. Find equivalents:
A |
B |
1. value |
a. коническое сечение |
2. ratio |
b. основатель |
3. irregular objects |
c. значение |
4. displacement |
d. чертить |
5. crew |
e. траектория |
6. break with smth. |
f. кривая, изгиб |
7. power |
g. положить начало чему-то |
8. renowned |
h. бросить делать |
9. curve |
i. сечение |
10. slicing |
j. водоизмещение |
11. conic sectioning |
k. рычаг |
12. trace |
l. степень |
13. path |
m. быть прославленным |
14. come up with smth. |
n. пропорция, соотношение |
15. father |
о. объекты с неправильной |
2. False or true?
1. Rene Descartes was a Greek philosopher and mathematician.
2. Descartes developed the science of geometry into the discipline that most schoolchildren know today.
3. He is considered to have said the famous phrase «I think therefore I am».
4. The Greek mathematician Archimedes discovered the value of pi, which is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
5. Pi is used to calculate the volume of cylinders, spheres and polygons.
6. He discovered the principle of displacement: that an object put wholly or partly into water loses weight equal to the weight to water it displaces.
7. Aristotle studied under the famous philosopher Plato, who regarded thought or the idea as the basis of all knowledge.
8. Aristotle cataloged the known species of animals and plants, believing they were made of four elements; earth, water, ether, and air.
9. The first renowned woman of science was an astronomer and mathematician named Hypatia from Alexandria, Egypt.
3. Find synonyms:
identical, protractor, to deal with, alter, transformation, to take, to increase, look for, father, precise, to give up, to be like, eventually, to lift, to search, founder, to break with, to change, the same, to come up with, exact, later, to lay down, to resemble, angle indicator, change.
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